Pathfinder Debilitating Injury

  1. Pathfinder Debilitating Injury Treatment
  2. Pathfinder Debilitating Injury
  3. Pathfinder Debilitating Injury Icd 10
  4. Pathfinder Debilitating Injury Icd 10 Code

Unchained: While much of the unchained rogue will be familiar to those who have played the original rogue, there are a number of new class features that greatly enhance the power and flexibility of the rogue.Chief among these is the debilitating injury class feature. A rogue with this ability can severely hamper her foes, giving her a much-needed boost to her offense or defense, depending on. Sneak attacks have been buffed with the debilitating injury ability and with various rogue talents. In fact, only one rogue talent (terrain mastery) gets any sort of nerf, and I think that the decision to deal with higher bonuses for terrain mastery by creating an advanced terrain mastery, greater talent makes a lot more sense and provides good balance with the ranger.


Bonechill may be contracted through injuries sustained through exposure to cold weather. Bonecrusher (dengue) fever. Bonecrusher fever, also known as dengue fever, is a debilitating, but generally not fatal disease common in Golarion's tropical climates.

Home >Magic >Spells (Paizo, Inc.) >D >

Schoolenchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting, pain]; Levelpsychic 3, witch 3


Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M


Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 round/3 levels
Saving ThrowWill partial (see text); Spell Resistance yes

Pathfinder Debilitating Injury Treatment


Pathfinder Debilitating Injury

The target is overcome with intense pain, causing it to be stunned on a failed save or dazed for 1 round on a successful save.

Debilitating Pain, Mass

Pathfinder Debilitating Injury

Schoolenchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting, pain]; Levelpsychic 5, witch 5
Target one creature/4 levels


Pathfinder Debilitating Injury Icd 10

This spell functions as per debilitating pain, except you can target one creature for every 4 caster levels you have.


Pathfinder Debilitating Injury Icd 10 Code

Pathfinder Player Companion: Psychic Anthology © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Isabelle Lee, Luis Loza, Alex Riggs, Mark Seifter, Loren Sieg, and Jeremy Smith