Oct 30, 2013 Android 4.2.2 15.3.A.0.26 firmware is a major update (previous was android 4.1.2 15.0.A.2.17 firmware) on Xperia L is confirmed in regions like Indonesia, India, Philippines, Central Europe and is available over PC Companion as well as via SUS. Xperia L has got all the stock android 4.2.2 features which other Xperia smartphones got. Here's how to update your Android phone to the latest operating system. Follow these simple step-by-step guide and start getting the most out of your phone.
Update Sony Xperia L to Android 5.0 Lollipop: Of course this has also been possible thanks to the devs at XDA who have ported the stock AOSP Android 5.0 Lollipop for Sony Xperia L.
To get the most out of your Android phone, you should download the latest available operating system.
Xperia L Latest Updates
1. Make sure your device is connected to Wi-Fi.
3. Select About Phone.
4. Tap Check for Updates.
Xperia Software Update
If an update is available, an Update button will appear. Tap it.
5. Install.
Xperia L Latest Update Ios
Depending on the OS, you'll see Install Now, Reboot and install, or Install System Software. Tap it. Your phone will reboot.
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