Bloodmaul Slag Mines Entrance

  1. Bloodmaul Stronghold Location
  2. Wow Bloodmaul Slag Mines Entrance Location
  3. Bloodmaul Slag Mines Entrance Location

Bloodmaul Slag Mines is a dungeon whose entrance is located in Frostfire Ridge on the continent of Draenor in the World of Warcraft game. The minimum level for this dungeon is 90. The instance was released in the Warlords of Draenor expansion. The dungeon contains 4 bosses. The end boss of Bloodmaul Slag Mines is Magmolatus.

Bloodmaul Slag Mines are an Ogre infested dungeon where Ogres have enslaved Draenei, Orcs and Arrokoas to mine on their behalf. After killing the first boss, if you run past him, you will see someone tied to the mill. If you click on him, he will follow you to the end and help you. If at the end, the both of you are still alive, you will have gained an Epic Follower called Croman, a character inspired by Conan.

Wow bloodmaul slag mines entranceBloodmaul Slag Mines Entrance
  • 피망치 잿가루 광산 entrance location 49.8, 24.7 in Frostfire Ridge. Nearest flightpoint Bloodmaul Slag Mines. Entrance is just southwest from fp. Other Warlords of Draenor dungeon entrance coordinates: 아킨둔 - (map 44.8, 74.5) in Talador. Nearest flightpoint Retribution Point. Entrance on lower level below terrace, then up steps.
  • The Slag Mines produce abundant yields of gemstones and ore, but is rumoured that the true purpose of these mines is to dig for an ancient relic of immense power. Map Trash in Bloodmaul Slag Mines.
  • Bloodmaul Slag Mines: Cro's Revenge: 100: 100 3,770 XP 61 60: Bloodmaul Slag Mines: Like A Dwarf In A Mine Daily: 100: 100 3,770 XP 15 40: Bloodmaul Slag Mines: Time-Lost Vikings: 100: 100 3,770 XP 15 40: Bloodmaul Slag Mines: Bloodmaul Slag Mines Daily: 90: 90-100 Alliance.
  • Bloodmaul Slag Mines is a dungeon whose entrance is located in Frostfire Ridge on the continent of Draenor in the World of Warcraft game. The minimum level for this dungeon is 90. The instance was released in the Warlords of Draenor expansion. The dungeon contains 4 bosses. The end boss of Bloodmaul Slag Mines is Magmolatus.

The dungeon drops 570 item level gear on normal, 630 item level gear on heroic and 685 on mythic level dungeons.

The zone that the dungeon is in is the Horde starting zone but there is a neutral flight point near the dungeon but you need to discover it first before you can use it. Discovery is only needed if you plan to do Challenge or Mythic mode dungeon run.

The Bloodmaul Slag Mines entered into Draenor. Our developers have worked tirelessly on this project to offer a dungeon that is almost 100% Blizzlike! It is with joy that we invite you now to come ingame to test. This video should convince you, it is fully filmed on the server by Deus, a player in our community.

TomTom Location Coordinates for Entrance : /way Frostfire Ridge 49.17, 24.55 Bloodmaul Slag Mines


List of Bloodmaul Slag Mines Dungeon Bosses

Bloodmaul Slag Mines Location

Bloodmaul Slag Mines Entrance

Bloodmaul Stronghold Location

Bloodmaul Slag Mines Entrance

Wow Bloodmaul Slag Mines Entrance Location

Bloodmaul Slag Mines Entrance Location