Contoh Coding Visual Basic

Coding Program Aplikasi Kasir Vb.Net(visual basic 2010). Selanjutnya saya membuat coding untuk program Login. Pada program ini saya mensetting untuk 2 karyawan. Dan kalian juga bisa menambahkannya untuk lebih dari 2 karyawan dengan jenjalankan programn 'Else', 'If', dan 'End If'. Berikut codingnya. Contoh Select Case di Visual Basic - Selamat datang kembali rekan-rekan. Kali ini tentang cara menggunakan select case pada bahasa Visual Basic 6.0. Select case di Visual basic (VB) dapat menggantikan If Then Else. Bentuk penulisan select case lebih mudah dipahami, berbeda dengan struktur kontrol If yang agak sedikit membingungkan apalagi. Download source code contoh-contoh program dengan visual basic 6.0, 2008, 2010, 2013 dan Kumpulan Tutorial Belajar VB. MsgBox(sb.ToString) ' This code produces the following output: ' fox ' the ' brown ' jumps ' quick Secondary Descending Sort The next example demonstrates how to use the Order By Descending clause in a LINQ query to perform a primary sort, in ascending order, and a secondary sort, in descending order. Visual Basic versi ke-6 ini memiliki beberapa tambahan kontrol baru yang tentunya lebih canggih dan telah mengalami peningkatan struktur bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic itu sendiri. Selain Visual Basic versi ke-6 saat ini juga ada VB 2016 yang merupakan salah satu jenis Visual Basic paling baru.

Prediction of 5 technologies that will be the most powerful in the world, technology is indeed difficult to predict, as time goes on and the longer growing existing-technology also exists in the world. had time to think in your heart, what will happen in the future? as we are now, perhaps if the people who are in 1000 years we knew then he was pasting confused and amazed with technology today. and just aswe are if we can look at our upcoming year 1000 technology must also be amazed to see it. Waallahualam, all happened because God, if the world is still going to live for 1000 years nanto likely many newest technology is remarkable.

OK straight to the point, <strong>the following 5 technologies that will be the most powerful in the world:</strong>

1. Intelligent machines the size of atoms, Nanotechnology

Contoh coding visual basic sederhana

Nanotechnology is any future technology that allow humans to manipulate super small particles that magnitude almost the size of an atom! Nanometer in itself is the size of 1/semilyar meters, or almost the thickness of hair torn 50,000.
That’s the fear in nano-technology.
The goal is to create new materials of the future, even the machines and robots the size of particles. Materials that would be stronger than diamond, super lightweight, heat-resistant and cold with extreme scale, able to conduct electricity better, more durable, eco-friendly and so on.
The possibility of its application is really awesome and it will change the whole world. Imagine if we could create a variety of new materials harder than diamond, and is much lighter than steel. (Carbon nanotubes, sp2 bond). We can create the framework of super strong for cars, airplanes, or buildings and bridges. Does it weighwith a lighter, all the cars and planes will also be more energy efficient.
We could create a shirt anti tangle and resistant stains. We can also create bacteria-sized robots, nanobots, and fit it into the human body. Its functions could be from cure disease, destroys cancer cells, even strengthen the human body (Feynman, “Swallowing the Doctor”). Nanobots or nanoparticles even later estimated will alsobe back close the ozone hole.
With nano-sized components, we can create a supercomputer of matchboxes, anddata storage medium that stores millions of gigabytes of information about mankind and the throughout the universe, for seujung nails.
How this technology can be done? Due to the advanced super-microscope can see atoms has been around since 1981, the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM, 1986).

2. The Era of human-superhuman, a genetic engineering
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“Human genetic engineering has the potential to change human beings ‘ appearance, adaptability, intelligence, character, and behavior. It may potentially be used increating more dramatic changes in humans “.
Wikipedia Is Genetic Engineering.
Humans have successfully mapped the giant project in gennya “The Human Genome Project”. With this data the humans have map information to explore the function and potential of every gene in the human body. Starting from the genes that determine human physical form, cancer-causing genes, genes that make up the genes that create memory, intelligence, even specific genes that regulate aging process.
This will allow doing genetic engineering to create human-human future which is very superior. Man with perfect health, free from disease, older than 100 years and had intelligence approached genius.
Imagine if man is to find genes that make a special Einstein became a genius. Thenthe gene could be transferred to the whole human race. Physical excellence or David Beckham, or even John f. Kennedy charisma.
But genetic engineering is not only for humans, but can also be for plants and animals. Genetic engineering could create a new type of wheat and rice with yields that many times. We can also create beef more tender and savory. We can even create plant and animal consumption with superior nutritional value.

Contoh Coding Visual Basic

Contoh Coding Visual Basic Tutorial

3. the most intense Energy throughout the universe, The Power of the Stars
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“What would the fusion mean? Endless, cheap energy. Amazing Star Trek, space travel possibilities. Fame, fortune, and undoubtedly a Nobel or two for the lucky scientist “.
The Observer, December 2000
The Sun, every second, release the energy of the entire energy used all humanity throughout its history. Hydrogen plasma energy giant of 380 Billion-billion Mega-Watt (380 ^ 26 MW), per second. This is the energy known as nuclear fusion energy (Nuclear Fusion), The power of the Sun and scientists of the world was trying toget it.
And this is the energy that makes the giant stars in the universe on fire over billions of years. The energy of the most intense, in the entire universe.
A great experiment being conducted in the small town of Cadarache in southern France in the end of a project called ITER. Here the atoms of Deuterium and Tritium is melted with the heat reaching 150 million degrees Celsius, almost 10 times the hot core of the Sun. Peleburannya receptacles protected by a magnetic field Tokamak so it doesn’t melt.
The great thing is that Deuterium can be produced from seawater, and Tritium are formed from Lithium to be had from natural stone. Most intense energy throughout the universe of water and natural stone.
If scientists successfully create it, then the whole world will have a powerful new energy sources replace petroleum. This energy will be so large and efficient, is not limited to, very inexpensive, and environmentally friendly.
(Note: the use of nanotechnology in cell photovoltaic solar power, nanocrystal, is also said to have the potential energy of the super large capable of replacing petroleum).

4. Regeneration of Wolverine, Stem Cell
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Imagine if heart disease and diabetes can be cured completely, people can walk, the lame and the blind, can see again
You ever see a Gecko, which can regrow its tail which broke up with perfect? Or if you’re a fan of comics “X-Men”, you definitely know a superhero character namedWolverine. When his body was pricked by a knife or bullet impregnable, he can heal his wounds with almost instantly. He can regenerate whole cells of his body perfectly, instantly.
But it was just a fantasy. There is a kind of worm named “planarian worm”, which isa lot of life in the sea or rivers, which are able to regenerate even rework almost all over his body.
Planaria, especially species Schmidtea mediterranea, able to regenerate his body intact, even if just a small piece of his body lives remaining, to 1/300 part. And when his head dihilangkanpun, he will regrow his head perfectly.
What if a human being could do that later? If we can directly replace all cells of our body which is broken with perfect and flawless. Scientists have barely reached the magic of it. The technology of molecular biology named Stem Cell, or stem cells.This is the most basic cell of the human body, which can be changed, orconverted, into cells or any organ in the human body.
When you have heart disease, cardiac cells that could then be replaced by stem cells and your heart will function normally again. If you have your retinal cells, blindness can be replaced with new cells from stem cells and you will be able to look back.
If you suffer from a disease that is associated with brain function such as stroke, alzheimer’s or parkinson’s, then your brain cells are damaged, even the network center of the brain, the cerebral cortex can be replaced with stem cell. And if you suffer from diabetes, then stem cell will save you with regenerate pancreatic hormone insulin-producing cells.
Stem Cell really brings the great revolution in human health.

5. Harry Potter Robe Disappear, Metamaterial
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“The announcement last November of an” invisibility shield, “created by David r. Smith of Duke University and colleagues, inevitably set the media in buzzing with talk of h. g. Wells’s invisible man and Star Trek’s Romulans”.
MIT Technology Review
Just a few years ago, the entire world famous scientist still confident that none of the material in this world that can make a man disappeared. It’s really not possible, because it breaks all the laws of nature known to man. But they’re all wrong …
Metamaterial, becoming one of the material discussed in the vibrant. This materialcan make something, it becomes invisible. A shirt that uses this technology can make the wearer “disappeared”, such as a magic cloak in the “Harry Potter”.
A fighter with the metamaterial would thus not visible, not merely not visible on radar as “Stealth” technology, but really not seen eyes like cloaking device in Star Trek.
This can be done for example by creating an artificial material that is able to deflect electromagnetic radiation, as well as light, which is essentially the electromagnetic radiation. Material such as plastic and Tin can be arranged in a specific patternstructure.
Metamaterial will deflect light, surrounding an object diselimutinya and regroupedat their ends, such as river water around a rock. In a recent study at Perdue University they use needle-needle special that will deflect the light beyond the object while the object is encapsulated behind it to be visible.
These materials are being researched all over the world including MIT, the University of California at Berkeley, Duke University, and Caltech in LA.

The Prediction technology article about 5 technologies that will be the most powerful in the world may be useful.

Menanggapi tugas pemrograman visual yang diberikan oleh pak dosen, maka jadilah sebuah program visual basic .net sederhana yang dibuat menggunakan Visual Studio 2010. Berikut program tersebut, dilampiri beserta source codenya.

Aplikasi ini terdiri dari 3 Label, 1 ComboBox, 2 TextBox, dan 3 Button.


Contoh Coding Array Multidimensi Dalam Visual Basic

Untuk tombol hitung, menggunakan logika dimana bila jumlah barang lebih dari 4, maka akan mendapatkan potongan diskon sebesar 10%. Bila kurang dari 4, maka tidak mendapatkan diskon.

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Contoh Coding Visual Basic Coding

Sekian contoh program visual basic .net dengan visual studio 2010 beserta source codenya yang teramat sederhana.