Hacking Windows 7 Pdf

Not all hacking is bad. The security testing covered in this book reveals security weaknesses or flaws in your computing setups. This Cheat Sheet provides you with quick references to tools and tips, alerts you to commonly hacked targets — information you need to make your security testing efforts easier.

Hacking Tools You Can’t Live Without

As most of you want to learn hacking tricks (ethical) so in this post, I am providing you the Best Hacking tricks PDF for free. In this download, you will get the compilation of Best hacking tricks and eBooks that are free to download. Although, we have detailed multiple procedures capable of successfully removing, resetting or changing the password for your Windows 7 account, we think using Windows Password Reset is the better option to hack Windows 7 password. The CMD option is good but will be a bit complicated for regular users and the password reset disk option is simply. Download free Introduction to Microsoft Windows 7,Training course material,a PDF file under 13 pages for beginners. Databases, hacking and many others.

Best Windows Hacking Tools

Hacking Windows 7 Pdf

As an information security professional, your toolkit is the most critical item you can possess against hacking — other than hands-on experience and common sense. Your hacking tools should consist of the following (and make sure you’re never on the job without them):

Cmd hacking commands for windows 7 pdf
  • Password cracking software, such as ophcrack and Proactive Password Auditor

  • Network scanning software, such as Nmap and NetScanTools Pro

  • Network vulnerability scanning software, such as LanGuard and Nexpose

  • Network analyzer software, such as Cain & Abel and CommView

  • Wireless network analyzer and software, such as Aircrack-ng and CommView for WiFi

  • File search software, such as FileLocator Pro

  • Web application vulnerability scanning software, such as Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner and AppSpider

  • Database security scanning software, such as SQLPing3

  • Exploit software, such as Metasploit

Common Security Weaknesses that Criminal Hackers Target

Information security professionals should know the common security weaknesses that criminal hackers and malicious users first check for when hacking into computer systems. Security flaws, such as the following, should be on your checklist when you perform your security tests:

  • Gullible and overly-trusting users

  • Unsecured building and computer room entrances

  • Discarded documents that have not been shredded and computer disks that have not been destroyed

  • Network perimeters with little to no firewall protection

  • Poor, inappropriate, or missing file and share access controls

  • Unpatched systems that can be exploited using free tools such as Metasploit

  • Web applications with weak authentication mechanisms

  • Guest wireless networks that allow the public to connect into the corporate network environment

  • Laptop computers with no full disk encryption

  • Mobile devices with easy to crack passwords or no passwords at all

  • Weak or no application, database, and operating system passwords

  • Firewalls, routers, and switches with default or easily guessed passwords

Step 1: Creating the Payload. To Hack Windows we need to create a payload that will act as a backdoor for us to get into that PC. To create payload for windows. Open terminal and Type. Msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reversetcp - platform windows. White Glass Windows 7 ThemesSimple and clean windows 7 white glass, to activate and use this theme just do a few steps below:1. Copy the contents of the folder with the subject in (usually) C: Windows Resources Themes.2. Through the control panel and a popup menu, select 'Personalize' and run the theme.If you want your themes looks.

Commonly Hacked Ports

Common ports, such as TCP port 80 (HTTP), may be locked down — but other ports may get overlooked and be vulnerable to hackers. In your security tests, be sure to check these commonly hacked TCP and UDP ports:

  • TCP port 21 — FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

  • TCP port 22 — SSH (Secure Shell)

  • TCP port 23 — Telnet

  • TCP port 25 — SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

  • TCP and UDP port 53 — DNS (Domain Name System)

  • TCP port 443 — HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol) and HTTPS (HTTP over SSL)

  • TCP port 110 — POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3)

  • TCP and UDP port 135 — Windows RPC

  • TCP and UDP ports 137–139 — Windows NetBIOS over TCP/IP

  • TCP port 1433 and UDP port 1434 — Microsoft SQL Server

Tips for Successful IT Security Assessments

You need successful security assessments to protect your systems from hacking. Whether you’re performing security tests against your own systems or for those of a third party, you must be prudent and pragmatic to succeed. These tips for security assessments will help you succeed in your role as an information security professional:

  • Set goals and develop a plan before you get started.

  • Get permission to perform your tests.

  • Have access to the right tools for the tasks at hand.

  • Test at a time that’s best for the business.

  • Keep the key players in the loop during your testing.

  • Understand that it’s not possible to detect every security vulnerability on every system.

  • Study malicious hacker and rogue insider behaviors and tactics. The more you know about how the bad guys work, the better you’ll be at testing your systems for security vulnerabilities.

  • Don’t overlook nontechnical security issues; they’re often exploited first.

  • Make sure that all your testing is aboveboard.

  • Treat other people’s confidential information at least as well as you would treat your own.

  • Bring vulnerabilities you find to the attention of management and implement the appropriate countermeasures as soon as possible.

  • Don’t treat every vulnerability discovered in the same manner. Not all weaknesses are bad. Evaluate the context of the issues found before you declare that the sky is falling.

  • Show management and customers that security testing is good business and you’re the right professional for the job. Security assessments are an investment to meet business goals, find what really matters, and comply with the various laws and regulations — not about silly hacker games.

Here is a step by step way to Hack windows password.

Hacking Apps For Windows 10

Hack Windows 7 Password step by step guide

  • First of all start your Computer. When you see the start screen immediately power off your PC (Forced shut down).

  • Start Your computer again. This time a message will appear saying , windows failed to start up.
  • Select the option , Launch start up repair (Recommended) and wait for few minutes.
  • You will get option of system restore at this point of time.
  • Click on Cancel.
  • Now, Press, View problem details (Click on downward arrow in the left )
  • Now scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page and you will find a .txt file as shown in below image.
  • Just Click on that file and it will open the txt file in notepad.
  • We don not want this file, but we want notepad to get opened with the help of this file, so that we can browse to the folders in computers. Believe me this is needed.
  • Now navigate to the folder given below.
  • C:WindowsSystem32
  • Change file of types from Text document to all files.
  • Search a file named setch.
  • Now what does this setch do. It tells the windows to open pop up when you enter any key 5 times. We will need this. This is an important step.
  • Just rename it to setch-1. (Note: – This will not harm your computer in any way and you can rename it back to original later)
  • Now find file named cmd
  • Just copy the file and paste it there (in same directory in which you are currently in)
  • Now it will create a file named cmd-copy
  • Now rename this file cmd-copy as setch
  • Now close it.
  • Now Click on dont send
  • Then Click on Finish.
  • Now restart your computer.
  • Once you reach the Log in Window, Just press shift key 5 times on your keyboard.
  • My goodness you just Opened a command prompt. You are just a few steps away from hacking windows 7 PC.
  • Now Type net user in it and press enter.
  • Now , you can figure out the username which you want to hack from here.
  • Now suppose username is compaq
  • type net user compaq* in cmd and press enter.
  • now it will ask you to type your password and then confirm it.
  • Now close cmd window and type your new password in window log in screen

Hacking Windows 10

Voila ! You are in. You just hacked Windows 7 PC.

Best Hacking Software For Windows 10

Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose. Please do not use for illicit purposes.

Cmd Hacking Commands For Windows 7 Pdf

Saurav is associated with IT industry and computers for more than a decade and is writing on The Geek Page on topics revolving on windows 10 and softwares.

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