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POTCOblogger – Answering Your Questions About POTCO :)
- Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Pirates Of The Caribbean Online on the PC, with a game help system for those that are stuck.
- The Legend of Pirates Online is a massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) built for players of all ages. Live the life of a Pirate battling fierce enemies, plundering ships on the vast High Seas, and defend the Caribbean from the nefarious Undead Pirate, Jolly Roger!
Hey! I answer all different sorts of questions about the game Pirates of the Caribbean Online for all the confused peoples. 🙂
– If you’re confused about something in the game and are planning on sending me a question, read the FAQ, (Frequently Asked Questions), before you ask. If you end up asking me a question that seems very similar to another one asked, it will simply be ignored.
– Yes, you can ask more than one question! I have no problem with that.. as long as you don’t end up sending me the same one over and over.
~* FAQ ~*
1) How do you do the speed glitch? – A: A lot of people will be mad at me for answering this question but- I will. ;D The first thing you do is Google ‘Cheat Engine 5.5’ and click on the site, (or this link: Once the site automatically offers you the latest download, agree to the terms of use and skip the tutorial. Open the Cheat Engine. Log into your Pirates of the Caribbean Online account and click on the ‘Restore Down’ button next to the X in the upper right corner. (Note: The game cannot be on fullscreen). Restore the Cheat Engine 5.5 window. On the cheat engine, you should see a flashing computer icon in the upper left corner. (It changes color; from green to red.) Click on that icon and scroll down near the bottom of the list. You should see ‘xpirates.exe’ somewhere on that list. Click on xpirates.exe and click ‘Open’. There is an empty box titled ‘Enable Speedhack’. Click on that. Below it, the word ‘Speed’ should appear. Click in the box and type in the best speed rate: 15.0 After you’ve typed in ‘15.0’, hit ‘Apply’ and Restore the POTCO window. You should be speed glitching. ;D
2) How do I level up faster? – A: Everyone wants to know how to level up faster. Leveling and mastering your weapons takes a while for your notoriety unless you’re a lower level. Since the levels go up to 50 now, and the weapons 30, tons of people have asked me this. The easiest way to level both weapons and notoriety is speed glitching. The easiest way to level your notoriety up is doing quests and getting them off the journal and out of the way. Sometimes POTCO will have some special events going on where they will add more people to give you quests. Those will give you very valuable rewards, such as lots of gold, rep (sometimes for both your weapons and notoriety), or a special tattoo and/or piercing. Different quests obviously reward different things. If you are battling with friends at a certain place, make a crew or ask if they have one going. Why? Joining or creating a crew and having them join gives bonus rep. If you’re in a Guild, you can also always ask if they are leveling and if you can join.
3) How do you do the ‘God Glitch’? – A: I’ve heard about this glitch a lot, but now there currently is no way that I know of . POTCO has removed this cheat and it no longer works.
4) How do I.. -Add a friend? Click on the player’s name. The player card should pop up. There is an icon that shows two pirates on it. Click on that icon. Wait for them to answer. 😛 -Ask someone to join my crew? Click on the player’s name. The player card should pop up. The first icon on the player card is the one you click to invite someone to join your crew. -Send someone a guild invite? Click on the player’s name. The player card should pop up. The third icon that says ‘Guild invite’ will invite them to join your guild. You can only invite players to join the guild you’re in if you are in one and an officer, or if you are in one and are the creator of the guild.
5) What’s the difference between adding someone as a friend and adding someone as a player friend? – A: Lots of people were confused with this new feature after POTCO updated the game. If you add someone as a player friend, they’ll be able to be on your friends list no matter what pirate you’re on- as long as it’s on the same account; and you’ll be able to see whatever pirate they’re on the same way around.
6) What is the Pirates Online website? – A: Um.. You had to go to this website to download it, didn’t you? ?_?
7) How do I log into my account on the website? – A: Go to On the homepage, enter your Account ID and Password. Simple enough? There is a list of tabs on the sidebar. Explore the magical thing called a website. 😀
8) How do I send POTCO a new Pirate Phrase? – A: This contest is only going on for a while- it’s going from September 16th to October 4th, 2009; so I’d hurry up if you wanna send that phrase in. Simply click on this link: and log into your POTCO account. Then you read on and submit your idea(s). Have fun! ;D
9) How do I get my messages to come up as thought bubbles? – A: Another popular question. A lot of people don’t know how, yet Pirates Online has had it as a game hint for a year and a half now. It’s simple and it’s a Game Tip. If you type a period in the chat window before typing anything else, the message will appear as a thought bubble instead of a speech bubble and will stay onscreen longer. Simple.
10) Why did Barbossa name his monkey ‘Jack’? – A: Haha, he is named after Jack Sparrow, for sure; yet Barbossa and Jack are not exactly ‘best friends’. I honestly think Barbossa named his monkey after Jack Sparrow just because he is a legend- not a close friend.
11) What is Scary Mary’s real name? – A: ‘Scary Mary’ is just a nickname they have for her in the game- her real name is Mary Lash.
12) What is Doc Grog’s real name? – A: Doctor Grogan, believe it or not. ;D
13) What are the levels of the skeletons? – A: This helped me with my leveling: Undead Gravediggers come from levels 1 to 3. Undead Bandits come from levels 2 to 5. Undead Pirates come from levels 4 to 8. Undead Witch Doctors come from levels 7 to 11. Brigands come from levels 12 to 18. Grenadiers go from level 17 to 23. Gypsies are level 22 to 28. Raiders are 27 to 33. French Undead Quarter Masters are level 10 to 15. French Undead Maitre go to 15 to 20. French Undead Lieutenant is 20 to 25. French Undead Capitaine is 25 to 30. That’s the French. Now, here’s the Spanish. Spanish Undead Conquistador is 10 to 15. Spanish Undead Bandido is 15 to 20. Spanish Undead Pirata is 20 to 25. Spanish Undead Captains are 25 to 30. None of these should be higher unless it’s a glitch.
14) Was Jolly Roger a pirate? Why does he hate pirates? – A: Believe it or not, Jolly Roger once was an infamous pirate himself. He hates pirates because it was pirates who killed him. And Jack Sparrow along with his crew had helped the pirates of Tortuga kill him. ..So they say.
15) What’s so great about Port Royal? – A: Well.. to start things off, it’s civilized. If you notice, there are lots of stores of every kind on Port Royal. It’s the only island that has everything. A lot of people like Port Royal the best because it is the main location that is used in all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies – not to mention, it’s the home of Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner. ;D
16) What’s so great about Tortuga? – A: Tortuga is completely lawless. Anything goes, and often does. Both Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs are known to be found in Tortuga’s main tavern, the Faithful Bride.
17) Where did Kingshead come from? Did they add the island after all the others? – A: Kingshead was not added after all the others. It’s been there since the game’s been launched. The island has been chosen by Lord Cutler Beckett, the force behind the EITC, to be something of his own personal fortress. Plenty of Navy guards make the fort difficult to approach and even harder to escape.
18) Can you dig for treasure? Whenever I try to it says ‘Sorry, nothing interesting here’. – A: You sure can. 😀 You can find a buried treasure by accident, or a townsperson may tell you where to look. Sometimes you’ll need to search and dig for all different kinds of quests in the Caribbean. There are chests of riches hidden all over the Caribbean, some containing very valuable items and some containing very poor treasure, so keep an eye out for green circles on the ground. You just may be able to dig in a spot without needing to!
19) What is the difference between Basic Access and Unlimited Access? – A: Basic Access is free of charge, runs in an ad-supported environment, offers limited weapons and skills, and has restricted access to high-level player areas.
Unlimited Access requires a monthly subscription, (or you can choose your own payments/guest cards submission), runs in an ad-free environment, and allows certain privileges that Basic Access players miss out on including: advanced weapons and skills, expanded quests, bigger and better ships, the ability to create your own pirate Guild, and more. ;D
20) How do I create a pirate? – A: You have to have the game launched, obviously. Before you start playing Pirates of the Caribbean Online, you’ll need to create a Pirate. Nearly every aspect of your Pirate’s appearance can be customized to your taste. Each Basic Access account can hold up to two different Pirates, while each Unlimited Access account can hold up to four. 🙂
21) What is POTCO’s game controls? – A: There’s all different kinds of easier ways to move and exit and so on for this game.. so here you go. ~* Moving ~* W key to move forward, A key to turn left, S key to move reverse, D key to turn right, Q key to step left, E key to step right. OR you can use the up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, and right arrow to move. Space = Jump for both ways. These same controls can be used for steering a ship – except for the space bar. Ships cannot jump. xD. (Yes, I have actually tried it in my noobish days.) Hmm, lets see. You can press the ‘R’ key to enable autorun, which I use all the time. (Just try not to crash into things!) The Tab key opens the sea chest. F opens friends list. J opens your pirate Journal to list all the quests you have. (Some quests you can drop, but not the Black Pearl!) K to open skills panel. L to open the Lookout system panel – if you’re feeling like a good PvP. M is used to open the world map panel. You can teleport to islands if you have a teleport totem for them. H opens your ship panel – it lists all the information about your ships. U key opens your treasure collection panel. Find out all the treasures you’re missing and need to recover. Keep an eye out for when you battle and kill enemies to see if you’ve got it. The ‘C’ key is something you can use if you want the compass on your screen or not. You can hit the ESC key to put away any of your weapons. The ESC key opens the Log Out page if you do not have a weapon out. You can use the ENTER key to start chatting. Type your message and hit ENTER again. ;D F1 through F6 keys can be used to take out a weapon – if you have it unlocked. You can use the mouse wheel to choose a weapon – when you already have one out and don’t feel like hitting the keys again. CTRL or Left Mouse Click is used to use a weapon. You can hit T while battling to use a tonic and replenish some or all of your health and voodoo. F9 is used to take a screenshot and save it to your computer under the Pirates Online file. F12 hides all words. ~ key is used to view scores or ship bounty in privateering. And, that’s all the keys. for now. ;D
22) How do I use the POTCO Chat Log? – A: A history of your Pirate’s interactions appear in your Chat Log found at the bottom left of your screen. At the bottom left of your screen, you will find these three buttons: Local, Guild, and Crew. What do they mean? If you want to say something for all the people to see near you, type it under the Local section. If you want to type something for your Guild to see, type it under Guild. Same for crew. The new feature added- Privateering- lets you talk to anyone on your side (French or Spanish) during privateering.
23) Where can I get more tonics? – A: You can purchase health tonics from a gypsy. Gypsies are found anywhere on Port Royal, Tortuga, Padres Del Fuego, and Cuba. Tonics can be purchased using gold. You don’t have to be unlimited access to perform this action. Be aware of this stuff, though: It takes a while for your tonic to recharge. Secondly, if you want your tonic and it says ‘No tonics left’, you are out of tonics – and luck. 🙂
24) How do I revive someone? – A: A lot of people were confused with this feature when it was first added, and so was I. But to revive someone, it means not being selfish, and using one of your tonics to revive them. You have to wait until they’re fully dead. Wait until the ‘Knock Out’ icon appears over their head. Walk up to them and hit the shift key. You should be reviving them. They’re still groggy, though. 😦
25) What does ‘groggy’ mean? – A: When you’ve died, you’ll become Groggy. When you’re Groggy, your health and voodoo are currently limited. Wait until the groggyness passes. 🙂
26) What is Crew Bonus? – A: This indicates your current Reputation bonus for being in a Crew. To gain the Crew Bonus, you must be near your Crew Members. The more Crew Members you are near, the greater the Reputation bonus! 🙂
27) What’s up with the purple bar underneath my health? – A: Casting spells with Voodoo weapons and teleporting both require you to tap into your Voodoo Power. The more powerful the spell, the more Voodoo Power you’ll need. It tells you how much voodoo is being used in the Skills panel (K). Just like your health, your voodoo power recharges over time. Tonics cure this as well as health when used.
28) How do I get more voodoo? – A: You can increase the amount of voodoo you have when you apply skill points to your voodoo doll’s Focus Passive skill.
29) What’s all the weapons I can get? – A: If you’re unlimited, you can get the Cutlass, Pistol, Voodoo Doll, Dagger, Grenade, Voodoo Staff, Sailing, and Cannon. If you’re basic access you can get the Cutlass, Pistol, Voodoo Doll, Sailing, and Cannon. The highest you can level these weapons has now increased up to level 30.
30) What does the different colors mean with people and enemies’ names? – A: A red tag line means it’s too hard, but I usually go for it anyways. With healing and maybe the help of a friend, it’s much easier to defeat. (With crew bonus too!) Yellow for the enemies means it’s well matched.. you’ll get equal reputation and expierience points for it. A yellow name for a pirate means they’re a Founder. A Founder is when they joined and were unlimited access a week after the game was launched. (That’s over a year and half they’ve had their account!) 😀 A Green name for an enemy means it’s easy to defeat. Gray name on an enemy means it’s way too easy to defeat. You’ll receive very little rep points. A Gray name on a player means they have Basic Access. A blue name on a player means they have Unlimited Access. Strangely, there are more Basic Access players than there are Unlimited.
31) What is a Stowaway? – A: Being a stowaway is so much easier than just sailing a ship to an island that has a teleport totem. This action is used a lot by people who have not unlocked teleporting totems. You have to earn it though – it requires gold. ~ Where You Can Find Dockworkers To Smuggle You Somewhere! 🙂 ~ Fletcher Beakman works on Port Royal. Horatio Fowler works on Tortuga. Elijah Minor works on Cuba. Henry Lowman works on Padres Del Fuego. Those are the only people that can smuggle you to a different island.
32) What is Jack Sparrow’s favorite saying? – A: I’ve heard a lot that his favorite saying is, “Sailing is your freedom.”
33) Who is ‘Barbossa’? – A: I’m guessing the person who asked this has never seen the movie? Barbossa, who prefers to be called ‘Captain Barbossa’, like Jack; ahem, I mean, Captain Jack Sparrow; he is one of the nastiest pirates to ever sail the Caribbean (and on land, too!) (Of course Jack is first. Which is why Barbossa isn’t the nicest person to Jack.) Barbossa can be found ‘haunting’ Devil’s Anvil.
34) Is Barbossa really dead? – A: I’m guessing this person also has not seen the movies? Barbossa is dead. At night, it shows. He’s put on a curse to whenever the moonlight comes out, him and his crew go complete skeleton. Cool, huh?
35) What is teleportation and how do I unlock a totem? – A: Teleportation is something you can unlock with your ‘special voodoo powers’ to ‘whisper in the wind and they will pick you up and take you to the island you want to go to’. It’s the fastest way to travel. You can unlock different teleport totems depending on what level you are in notoriety.
36) What is the orange text that keeps appearing on my screen? – A: The ‘orange text that keeps appearing on your screen’ is Whispering. If you want to send a whisper message to a pirate, click Whisper on their detail panel. Whispers will show up in italics in the Chat Log. No other pirates will be able to see these private messages. You can easily reply to another pirate’s Whisper message by clicking on one of their Whisper messages. 🙂
37) Where can I view my weapons? – A: Take some advice – become highly skilled with as many weapons as possible. F1 = Sword. F2 = Pistol. F3 = Voodoo Doll. F4 = Dagger. F5= Grenade. F6 = Staff. 🙂 If you don’t have any of these weapons yet, hitting these buttons to take them out will not work.
38) How do I choose a ship? – A: Walk up to a boat, (not the repair place), and hit the SHIFT key. The Ship Panel will pop up. On the Ship Panel, you’ll also have the ability to teleport to another Pirate’s ship (public), your own, a Guild Members’, or a Friends’.
39) How do I earn a skill point and use it? – A: These skill points can only be used with weapons! Each time your Pirate gains a level in a Weapon, you earn 1 Skill Point for that Weapon. You can then spend these Skill Points to unlock new Skills or upgrade existing Skills to make them more powerful. Each weapon has a level cap of 30, so you can gain up to 29 skill points per weapon. To spend a Skill Point, open up your Skill Panel (K) in your Sea Chest. Next, click on the Weapon Tab that matches the weapon you want to upgrade. The Skill Icons that are fully colored represent Skills that you have already learned, while partially transparent Skill Icons represent Skills that you have unlocked, but still need to be purchased by spending a Skill Point. The empty black circles you see represent Skills that can be unlocked in the future by leveling up that Weapon. You will see a number of dots underneath each of the Skill Icons – these indicate your Rank in that particular Skill. Skills with a higher Rank are more powerful and inflict more damage on an enemy during battle. You can spend a Skill Point to upgrade your Rank on a Skill by clicking on the Skill Icon. *Please Note* – a Skill cannot be upgraded past Rank 5.
40) If I mess up on choosing a skill point, how do I go back and fix it? – A: You can’t. If you want to change one thing, you’ll have to change it all. It depends on how important it is. To fix it, if it really needs to be fixed and changed, you can retrain your skills at a Trainer. Trainers are found in any Weapon shop on Padres Del Fuego, Port Royal, or Tortuga. ~ 1st Retraining costs 250 gold. 2nd Retraining costs 2,500 gold. 3rd Retraining and all retraining after the 3rd time costs 10,000 gold! ~ Keep that in mind! Don’t mess up on retraining – you’ll have to do it all over again and pay even more than you did before. 😦
41) What does Lookout mean? – A: You can use the Lookout Panel (L key) to play a few hands of poker or blackjack in Parlor Games or to do a few battles of PvP on a team or by yourself. You can edit the options on how you want to find other players that are willing to play against your chosen rules. ( Amount of people per game; team battle or not a team battle ). It can also be used to find a crew to join.
42) Is it cheating to use a voodoo doll in PvP? – A: ‘Jumpers’ say it’s cheating because people use their voodoo dolls to run around in circles and keep on running. Even to most people that aren’t jumpers it’s still considered cheating. Would you like someone running around in circles over and over to a point where you can’t possibly catch them and attack back while they’re taking away your health? I don’t think so. Jumpers only use blades and their ‘crazy skills’ xD. Their ‘crazy skills’ is just using the mouse to aim, using the space bar to jump, and using the W, A, S, Q, and E keys to move around. It’s not as hard as it seems. Yet again, the correct answer to this question isn’t what these jumpers think it is. POTCO clearly doesn’t think it’s cheating if you’re using your voodoo doll and/or running around with it. So it’s not exactly proven to be incorrect. Feel free. But don’t be surprised if people start yelling at you in a PvP for using it, running around with it, or healing other people in team battles.
43) What does ‘mistimed’ mean? – A: When you swing too early or too late, a message saying mistimed will appear. To help get your timing right, watch your blade’s trail as it slices the air (or an enemy). Clicking again after the mistimed message appears will restart your combo attacks from the beginning. (Slash).
44) What does recharging do when I’m using my weapon? – A: Some weapons require recharging first before you can use it again. You can see how long it takes for that skill to recharge by watching its recharging meter.
45) How can I update my weapons and get new ones? – A: Better weapons mean more powerful attacks. You’ll start out with a Rusty Cutlass, but as soon as you earn enough skill points wielding it, you’ll become eligible to use a stronger blade that deals more damage. Likewise, your first pistol will be a Single-Barrel Flintlock which fires a single shot before needing to be reloaded. As soon as you reach Level 5 in Pistol Reputation, you’ll be able to purchase a Double-Barrel Pistol, which can fire two shots before needing to be reloaded.
46) What is a cutlass and what’s the history of it? – A: I like this question. 😀 This is most pirates’ favorite weapon out there; a heavy, curved blade, perfect for slashing and parrying. It comes from Will Turner – who starts you off with a Rusty Cutlass, your first weapon, and introduces you to the skills of Hack, Slash, and Sweep – but it’s up to you to use it and level it to use new skills. ~ TYPES OF CUTLASSES ~ Rusty Cutlass – Damage + 0, Cost 40, Obtain from Will Turner. Iron Cutlass – Damage +2, Cost 400, Purchase from Blacksmith. Steel Cutlass – Damage +4, Cost 4000, Purchase from Blacksmith. Fine Cutlass – Damage +6, No Cost, Obtained from a Quest. Pirate Blade – Damage +8, No Cost, Obtained from a Quest. The finest blade is the Pirate Blade, as well as the most powerful.
47) What are the skills for the cutlass? – A: Hack, Slash, Cleave, Flourish, Thrust, Parry, Endurance, Taunt, Brawl, Sweep, and Bladestorm. You get to choose the skills you want and want to upgrade for the Cutlass once you level it.
Potco Hacks Roblox
48) I keep seeing this message appear on my screen that says Follow The Pirate Code and tells me to use another weapon. Why? – A: The Pirate Code strictly states that you can only use pistols against the undead or any other type of Jolly Roger’s dreadful creatures, and may never be used against people – meaning none on the Navy, EITC, Townsfolk, or Pirates. A pistol may be used on a pirate in PvP only.
49) When can I finally unlock my grenades and voodoo staff?! – A: You can unlock your grenades by completing a quest at Kingshead once you get to level 20, and you can unlock your voodoo staff by completing a slightly harder quest given to you by Tia Dalma in Cuba.
50) How do you use a voodoo doll? – A: You have to be in front of an enemy or pirate and attune them. (Click your left mouse button when you’re in front of them to attune them.) Begin attacking if it is an enemy by clicking on the skills on the screen or if it’s a pirate you cannot attack them except for in PvP matches. If you have a pirate attuned, you can only heal them and cure them. *A voodoo doll will lose attunement if you get too far away from the person you have attuned.*
51) Can the voodoo staff heal things? – A: The voodoo doll is the only weapon that can heal other pirates. You cannot heal townsfolk or an enemy (and you can’t heal yourself either; you can’t even attune yourself, so don’t think about trying.) The voodoo staff, on the other hand, is only used for attacking, much like the other weapons.
52) Where can I buy a new staff or voodoo doll? – A: You can get a new staff or voodoo doll by purchasing one with gold, (pirates don’t have credit), from a gypsy.
53) What can I do with a blacksmith? – A: If it has a blade, you’ve come to the right place. Visit a blacksmith to invest in a new dagger or a higher grade of cutlass.
54) What do I get with a gunsmith? – A: Ready to buy a better pistol or try out more powerful ammo? Visit the gunsmith in the nearest town. You can also buy cannon ammo and grenades here as well.
55) What are all the different ships in POTCO? – A: Light sloop, Light Galleon, Light Frigate, Sloop, Galleon, Frigate, War Sloop, War Galleon, War Frigate. The bigger the ship, the more peoples it can hold! 😀
Welcome to the gold farming guide. In Epic Seven, gold is one of the most scarce resources as you progress further in the game. Initially, you will get a nice chunk of gold from adventure rewards and mission objectives. However, as you craft/upgrade/change/remove end game equipment, the gold costs start adding up and you find yourself running out of it fast.
The biggest trap in the game is spending your gold early on upgrading unnecessary stuff. Under the spending gold section, I will list some things to pay attention to so that you go into end game strong with a good amount of gold to upgrade the main gear that matters the most.
Earning Gold
Here is a list of methods that is going to help you earn gold.
1 – Adventure Mode
Adventure mode will give you gold upon completing a map. You can also get equipment drops and occasionally bonus gold drops and also treasure chests that contains extra gold. As you progress to pass normal mode in adventure, the gold gains will start increasing, especially when you sell level 44 equipment.
When it comes to choosing which place to farm, I prefer stages that have epic catalyst drops since they are extremely rare and takes a long time to drop.
Emergency Mission (Bounty Hunt)
Once you complete more adventure missions, an occasional emergency mission will show up. Look for the one that says Bounty Hunt. It gives extra 50k gold. Other notable ones are:
- Catch Phantasma – Gives 1 gold phantasma
- Kill Goblin Thief – A random rare catalyst
- Goblin Treasure Chest – Can now drop 60-80 epic necklace/rings!
Any normal adventure map will have mazes where you can’t do a full auto. There are some maze maps that give awesome drops and gold but it isn’t as time efficient due to longer runs. However, if you are willing to do a bit of manual, you can get good returns. There are a lot more chests in mazes. I see upwards of 3 chests per run. Chests can net you gold, skystones, bookmarks and more equipment.
If you are willing to spend time to do it, it is quite worth it. There are a couple of good mazes that is a good source of gold and fodder.
- 9-4 Normal – Fire based enemies
9-4 Normal (Maze) vs World – The best choice for fodder and gold from EpicSeven
Another option is 10-3 normal. Also all fire based enemies with a few dark ones. Both are great if you have a water farmer like Sez or Clarissa.
2 – Abyss Tower
The Abyss Tower is a great source for early game gold. You will need the gold income to upgrade the lifesteal set you get as a reward from climbing it. You are going to get gold from the following floors:
- Floor 15 – 200 skystones, 200k gold
- Floor 26 – 750k gold
- Floor 30 – 300 skystones, 300k gold
- Floor 45 – 500 skystones, 500k gold
- Floor 46 – 1.5 million gold
- Floor 60 – 1000 skystones, 1 million gold
- Floor 66 – 3 million gold
- Floor 75 – 1500 skystones, 1.5 million gold
- Floor 85 – 3 million gold, 5 molagoragos
You get 8.75 million gold for getting to floor 75. However, floors 45+ are quite hard and if you are not geared enough or don’t have the right units, it will take you a while to get there.
Getting to floor 45 should be easy once you get a full team of level 50 characters. That will net you 1 million gold early on.
Once you complete floor 80, you can purify all floors 3 times for 120k gold daily.
3 – Selling Penguins
Penguins are meant for giving nice experience boost to your characters, but with gold being scarce, many players opt to sell them instead. The reason for that is because you can level characters to their max eventually.
You can get penguins by growing them in the Forest of Souls (120 stigma) and also from special events. There are penguins sold in the transmit stone shop, but those are not worth using your stones for. You get the following by selling penguins of various rarities:
- 1 star penguin – 6000 gold
- 2 star penguin – 18000 gold
- 3 star penguin – 54000 gold, 1 transmit stone
Most of the time, you will be selling 1 and 2 star penguins. 3 star penguins are rare and usually you can get them via special events. The Forest of Souls upgraded to max still only gives you a 3% chance for a 3 star penguin of a random element.
Do keep in mind that early game, using penguins to level up your main team is good. But once you have a solid PvE team that are all level 50, the 1 star penguins becomes quite useless and it is best to just sell them.
4 – Heart of Orbis
Heart of Orbis is a long term investment in terms of both gold and skystones. Early on, you will want to invest in 2 buildings:
- Cradle of Life -> Allows you to store more gold and skystone (up to 36,000 gold)
- Benedictory Sanctum -> Earn triple rewards (up to 50% chance)
I suggest upgrading Cradle of Life and Benedictory Sanctum to level 3 quickly as a casual player. This allows you to collect once a day for a 50% chance to earn triple rewards. It would be 108,000 gold if the bonus reward chance are triggered.
5 – Boss Hunt
Boss hunt 11 is one of the best in terms of gold income. Not only do you get a decent amount of gold, you also get level 85 equipment drops (more gold!) and other resources like powder of knowledge, skystones and mystic bookmarks.
The average gold for any hunt is 30,000 gold per 20 energy. That already gives you 1500 gold per energy. That is very high and we are excluding selling equipment drops. On average, you would be getting 60 equipment drops out of 100 runs. 90% of the time, the equipment is junk. That means you get to sell it usually. Gold selling price for equipment goes like this:
- Level 70 blue equipment – 5000 gold
- Level 70 heroic equipment – 7500 gold
- Level 70 epic equipment – 12500 gold
- Level 85 blue equipment – 10000 gold
- Level 85 heroic equipment – 15000 gold
- Level 85 epic equipment – 25000 gold
Obviously you won’t be selling any epic equipment that is usable, but consistent selling of equipment will net you extra gold. Assuming you do 100 runs of Wyvern/Golem/Banshee 11, you would get an average of:

- 30,000 gold x 100 = 3 million gold
- 30 Level 70 Blue/Heroic equipment~175000 gold
- 30 Level 85 Blue/Heroic equipment ~ 350000 gold
That will net you about 3.5 million gold using 2000 energy. That gives you about 1762.5 gold per energy. Pretty good if you would ask me. Not to mention you also get skystones, mystic stones, covenant bookmarks and powder of knowledge as well.
6 – Dispatch Missions
If you are willing to sacrifice some spirit stones or conquest points, you can use the dispatch mission as a way to gain gold. The most energy efficient one is the one that costs 1 energy and takes only 2 hours. You need to get the level 1 building upgrade to unlock this. This is the most gold efficient task but just takes way longer. Think of this as a long term investment.
- 9500 gold (with 40% reward bonus) = 13300 gold
- Assuming you can do it 4 times daily at 5 days a week = 266000 gold a week
That’s not a lot, but with just a cost of 20 energy a week, I think it is well spent as it is 13300 gold per energy ratio, which is not attainable anywhere else in the game.
7 – Automaton Tower
Each month the tower resets and gives you gold for each floor. The gold racks up and is a good source of gold income monthly alongside all the other goodies.
Spending Gold Efficiently
10-3 normal mode boots (worth upgrading early on as a temporary placeholder until end game)
When it comes to spending gold, it is best to save as much as you can and not waste it on unnecessary things. I made that mistake and I am paying for it now in the late game. I will be breaking it down to a few sections. I recommend you spend gold on the following:
Petco Hackettstown
- Upgrading equipment only when you are stuck progressing in the story mode
- Abyss equipment (the tier 57, 71 and 85 sets)
- Level 70-88 equipment with good substats (at least 2 desired sub-stats)
- Unit/Fodder promotion
- Covenant bookmarks from the secret shop
- Accessory and Boots crafting (end game)
When it comes to upgrading equipment, it is one of the biggest gold sinks in the game. If you climbed the Abyss all the way to 80, you will have collected 3 lifesteal sets for 3 damage dealers, which is more than enough to clear most of the content in the game except for maybe Hell Raid.
When it comes to getting some good right side % equipment for your characters, you want to farm the Great Farche Labyrinth Zone 2-5. It drops level 45 speed/crit/hit rate accessories that gives you the important mid level Hp/Atk/Def/Crit percentage gear. That should give you the boost to try regular raid once you have some decent equipment.
Priority (Upgrade 4 Sets)
In an ideal situation, you want to upgrade 4 core sets that you can use for your main team and save gold. As you progress through Labyrinth, you will start picking up decent temporary items that is usable till end game. I will be listing them here. Grass Angel has an excellent video below pin pointing the locations.
Adventure Map Normal
- 8-S4 -> Atk% Amulet (Speed Set)
- 9-4 -> Chest Armor (Attack Set)
- 9-7 -> Helmet (Crit Rate Set)
- 10-3 -> Speed Boots (Crit Rate Set)
Labyrinth (Epic Equipment)
- Zone 1-3 -> Helmet (Attack Set)
- Zone 1-4 -> Def% Boots (Def Set)
- Zone 1-5 -> Crit Chance% Necklace (Attack Set)
- Zone 2-1 -> Atk% Ring (Crit Rate Set)
- Zone 2-2 -> Weapon (Health Set)
- Zone 2-3 -> Armor (Crit Rate Set)
- Zone 2-4 -> Helmet (Health Set)
- Zone 2-5 -> Speed Boots (Crit Rate Set)
- Zone 3-1 -> Crit Damage% Necklace (Destruction Set)
- Zone 3-2 -> Def% Necklace (Resist Set)

So once you complete normal Adventure Mode and Labyrinth Zone 2-5, you have enough gear to equip your main damage dealer and a support or utility damage dealer.
Gold is well spent on upgrading these equipment until you get better gear from special events and also Boss Hunts (9-11) or end game crafting.
Switching or Stripping Gear

Switching equipment in this game costs a lot of gold in the end game, especially if you unequip/switch level 70-88 gear.
- 70+ gear -> 25k gold cost per equipment
- 85+ gear -> 50k gold cost per equipment
That means it costs 150k/300k gold to swap end game equipment. This adds up fast. If you plan ahead and make sure that the equipment you are using is going to stay on a specific character, you will reduce the amount of gold spent switching gear.
Also while you are climbing the Abyss Tower, sometimes you may need to switch gear to pass it depending on the units you have. This also eats up your gold fast.
So hope this helps. For those that just want a short summary, I have shortened everything here:
- Save your gold and only spend it on upgrading temporary gear from Labyrinth and Adventure Mode.
- Farm adventure mode that gives gold and epic catalysts.
- Do Bounty Hunt emergency mission for extra 50k gold.
- Farm the highest Boss Hunt you can do and sell all junk gear you don’t need.
- Collect your gold daily from Heart of Orbis
- Aim to complete at least Abyss Floor 30 early game. Purify daily for extra gold if you are stuck on a floor.
- Sell 1/2/3 star penguins for gold.
- Do 2 hour or 6 hour dispatch missions for extra gold.
